Declutter before your Spring clean
Every year as the weather grows warmer and the days get longer, we think about Spring cleaning our homes. But, before you can begin washing the curtains, flipping the mattresses and dusting window sills, you might want to think about decluttering.
The only problem is, while you may be able to throw a lot of things out or squeeze it into storage you do have, it’s not enough. At Wilson Storage, we have self-storage units you can access 24/7 – which is perfect if you have rarely-used items like snowboarding gear that you might want to access when you go on a trip to Europe at the end of the year.
So, here are some of our best tips on how to go about decluttering so you can put those valuable seasonal items out of sight and out of mind – until next year.
Take absolutely everything out of your closet. Carefully go through each item, and determine whether you will need it in the coming months or if it can be stored. You’ll probably only need two or three jumpers, but not all your overcoats and puffer vests. While you’re doing this, you can also go through your Summer clothes. Be ruthless – if you haven’t worn it in a year, then put it aside to donate to the op-shop.
You can assume you’ll be sleeping lighter, with only one blanket and not the two heavy Winter duvets you have on your bed at the moment.
Take a look in the kitchen and clear out excess appliances. It’s unlikely you’ll be making casseroles in the warmer weather, so put the pressure cooker in storage. Stuff like that popcorn maker you received as a birthday present three years ago and haven’t used since can be regifted or donated.
Go through your pantry and check all the use-by and best before dates. While you’re at it, go through your Tupperware and make sure the lids match. If anything has a missing part or is out of date, turf it.
Many of us end up accumulating empty or nearly empty shampoo bottles and conditioners in our bathrooms or filling the cupboards with miscellaneous products we hardly ever use or are still in their original wrapping.
Toss anything that’s empty, and decant the shampoos into one bottle or empty jar you have lying around. By the end, your bathroom will be free of clutter and ready for that Spring clean.
Living areas
Clear out the drawers in the sideboard dresser and at your desk. Old pens, batteries, charger cords for electronics you don’t use anymore, all of these things can be tossed or recycled.
Same goes with the bookshelf. Carefully go through and separate the books you know you will need, from the ones you bought on an impulse. Donate the latter to libraries or op-shops. Books always come in handy for other people.
Finally, you will be left with the miscellaneous Winter gear that doesn’t really have a place. The snow gear you only get to use once or twice each year can probably go into storage. Meanwhile, the umbrella that has a broken spoke can probably be turfed.
Now that you’ve sorted out what can be thrown out and what should be kept, you can chat with our friendly staff at Wilson Storage about our self-storage units. They’re safe, they’re secure, and we even have a move-in van you can hire to transfer your goods.
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